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our process

doctor taking notes on notepad
free consultation

step 1

free consultation

Comprehensive blood test

step 2

Comprehensive blood test

in person medical exam

step 3

in person medical exam

shipped directly to home

step 4

shipped directly to home

A Process Designed for you to win:

Before you just start on a testosterone program, it is important to meet with one of our testosterone coaches to discuss the benefits and risks of testosterone therapy and decide if testosterone therapy is a good option for you. Then we will set you up with a comprehensive blood test to not only test your testosterone levels but also to confirm many other lab values to make sure there are no medical issues to discuss before proceeding. Once the results of your blood test are received by our office, our specially trained testosterone medical provider will go over your results and outline a plan that you both agree on to get you looking and feeling your very best.

We will then order your medications and have them shipped directly to you in a convenient monthly package directly to you. We will supply you with any supplies necessary including needles, alcohol swabs and of course your testosterone therapy medications. This process is designed to make your testosterone therapy simple and convenient. We do not ever ask you to pay a large upfront fee, sign any contracts or have to pay any cancellation fees. If you’re not happy with your testosterone program or have an issue with our office at all, we want you to be happy and can move your therapy to another testosterone provider of your choice.

As we go through our lives, we must deal with many things that at times can be tough and more stressful than others, we do not want the process of optimizing your testosterone levels one of them.

Contact our office for a FREE testosterone consultation to see if you’re a candidate or not.


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